This is now under way with three vehicle features already agreed. I am very much looking forward to seeing and hearing these especially if their owners are all as enthusiastic as Lamborghini owner Adrian Corigall. He sent me a long and detailed email which will form the major part of the article on his vehicle and his experience at the hands of FOUR MASTER Jeremy Owen at Highdown Car Audio and Security in Worthing. Below is a mere snippet which will have to keep you satisfied until the finished issue appears next spring:
"I feel very lucky to have met all the team at Highdown and especially Jeremy. They really did do a great job for me and put in 100% effort for which I thoroughly applaud them. More importantly, I met some truly honest and great people who seem to love what they do. In this day and age that is becoming a rarer thing to find and I feel very fortunate to have found this gem literally on my doorstep" - Adrian Corigall