Returning To The Stage
I feel we are really close to being able to see our fave bands live again. Unfortunately, in our locality, we have lost many great little venues and we can only hope that public demand will see some of these reopen in due course.
As far as the big boys are concerned, it seems most of these are continuing to keep a watching brief until 2022 - Not that I am at all interested in going to see the "Strolling Bones" etc. - They have had their day in my opinion and should stand aside and let some younger talent come through.
Local venues are a breeding ground for new musical talent and skills. Without them, we are condemned to endless bedroom recordists imitating their own heroes and using all the automation skills Logic Pro X or Protools has to offer.
Keep music live brethren!
Until next month do take care and continue to practice social distancing, hand washing and everything else that will help us to swiftly return to a kind of normality!