Welcome Club members, to what should have been titled September Part 2! Unfortunately, things slipped and so it arrives as October -1.

We have decided that our traditional-style newsletter was a bit of an eat, so decided to split it in half so that you get two bites every month. This means we can send you two not-so-hidden tracks per month and two Top Fives as these are compulsory features of our bulletins. After all, we are all about the music!

Elsewhere, we feature an article from the current issue of Driving Sounds Magazine and a club member’s Top Five.

Read on!


We are currently ironing our shirts, creating playlists, and tuning systems in cars in preparation for this year’s UK Audio Show at Staverton Park Hotel near Daventry. The show runs on the 5th and 6th of October, and it would be great to catch up with any of our club members who plan to be there.

We have a great selection of cars for you to listen to and a team of experts on hand to answer questions.

This is last year’s team; this year’s promise to be bigger, brighter, bolder and most, a year older!

Click the link below for a short video showing the cars we will be taking to the show.

OK, So not quite an exclusive this time, but we wanted to draw your attention to this Driving Sounds feature and this durable and compact DSP.

Click to be whisked away to the full article.

Digger Mosely’s Top Five

We are delighted to include a Driving Sounds Club member’s Top Five in this issue of our club newsletter. Digger won a pair of speakers in a Driving Sounds Club prize draw some years ago. He tells me he still has the Vauxhall Corsa they were fitted into.

“What a prize that was. I still have the Corsa, which I bought from new; it was 13 in September 😄.  Yeah, they still blast out great sound years later. All my passengers get a blast and are always well impressed. They tell me my speakers are better than my car.”

His current To Five is listed below.

Chvrches - Asking For A Friend 

Sweet Disposition -The Temper Trap

Sometimes- Gerry Cinnamon

Hope - Kidwise  

Waste A Moment - Kings Of Leon 

Why not treat us to a Top Five of your own? Just hit the button below to email me your list. Include some information about yourself and your car, and you are in!