In august company!

Howdy Pardners! Here we are in August. I try not to obsess about how time flies, but, AUGUST!!!

We have another bumper pack of car audio and music tomfoolery again for you to enjoy this month, so stick around.

We get the feeling that car audio is on the up. We can back this up with our own metrics, such as issue sales, website visits, competition entries (result announced first in this newsletter!), and social media activity.

Not only do we ride the car audio wave, but we also believe we contribute to its swell, which makes us very proud.

Read on for some in-depth explanation and description of what we have been up to, but before you do, we would like to invite you to listen to this month’s hidden track in your cars (I know, they never are truly hidden, but the name has stuck!), and list as many of the instruments you can hear on the recording. Just email us your list by hitting the button below. Please include the name of the platform you listened on.

Having experimented with different sources, we were able to pick out far more when listening to the Hi-res version on Qobuz, than on any other platform, but give it a go.

This Month’s feature article is another Driving Sounds Club first look!

Have a read.

And the winner is……..

Chris Wood

Thank you to all who entered our prize draw.

Although the competition also appeared on our social media channels, we are thrilled that the winner’s entry came from a Driving Sounds Club member.

Furthermore, he is a lifelong fan of car audio!

See edited highlights at the end of this newsletter detailing his car audio journey so far.

Congratulations Chris, who is now the proud owner of a pair of our editor’s choice, Audison Voce AV K6 speakers.

We can’t wait to see them installed!

This month, we look at the Audison Prima AP 1P Tweeter. This is an upgrade on the one that comes with the APK 165 2-way set, and here we explore why!

Another from Driving Sounds Towers this month. Lots of variety in here. Try them in your car and see how they sound - We know they sound great!

Situation - Jeff Beck Group

Broken Man - St. Vincent

Big Swimmer - King Hannah


Close Your Eyes - Al Di Meola

We love all kinds of music, so why not treat us to a list of your own? Don’t forget these are not your favourites of all time, just five tunes you are particularly enjoying in your car at the moment. Hit the button below and drop us a line.

Serial Competition Winner!

The winner of our prize draw is Chris Wood, who lives in Glasgow. He used to compete in a car audio competition format that I ran for a while called EMMA. Here is an edited version of his car audio journey so far.

“My car audio history is a bit bumpy and eventually awesome!

My first enhancement was an active subwoofer from a national chain.

That made the bass feel a lot better, but it was only a stop-gap to the next step.

A good friend gave me a 2-way set for my birthday, as he had recently upgraded to a newer system.

Of course, it was impossible to install this without an amplifier, a dedicated subwoofer, or a proper head-unit, so eventually, I went to a lovely chap named Ron McLean at MF2K and asked to get a system installed.

This was a passive system, with Dual-Mono and Monoblock amplifiers, as well as a proper 10” subwoofer, which I’d bought, and a high-end system with a DAC.

My first audio competition was at Ingliston in Scotland, near Edinburgh.

The event fuelled my interest in car audio even more, and I decided to move from my “passive” system into an “active” system with a processor and amplifiers that I sourced from all around the world.

I eventually replaced the amplifiers and replaced the 2-way speakers with a 3-way system.

I have fond memories of listening to a Peugeot205 with Audison speakers belonging to a judge at a car audio competition. I am looking forward to building a system with these Voce speakers!

In fact, this has really given me the impetus to build a new system, so thank you so much on so many levels.

Oh, I found this picture – both of us in our younger days! (Yikes, Ed.)

Kind regards,


Take care, everyone; see you next month.

