Top Five Tunes
Every month we offer a Top Five. Sometimes these are tracks we have enjoyed listening to in our own cars, sometimes they are the favourites of some of the owners of the cars we feature in the magazine.
This month, we are listing out the Top Five of Four Car Audio's chief stock control supremo, Lauren Bailie. Lauren is a law graduate and girl-about-town who lives and works in Birmingham. She drives an as yet, unmodified BMW Mini. As you can tell, Lauren is a little more "of the moment" than many others we feature here!
Lauren's Top Five
He Goes Down - Rain Radio
Whistle - Jax Jones and Calum Scott
Tambourine - Eve
Go - BenjiFlow
Church - T-Pain
We are always interested to find out what Driving Sounds Club members are currently listening to. Click the button below to send me your top five tunes with the artist and your name. If you have an audio upgrade in your car then feel free to add details of that too.