I like to keep abreast of audio technology. Although I am not a scientist, I trained and worked extensively as an electronics technician in a previous life, I understand concepts, if not necessarily the science behind them.
While researching this month’s blog (see here), I naturally wanted to check some facts, and this took me off the beaten track to the wonderful world of forums. These can be amusing but are often confusing. They tend to begin with a simple question, and then by post five, the answers have morphed into heavy science with many supposedly learned people claiming and counter-claiming to know stuff that either damns the entire topic or, has no bearing on the original question in the first place.
In the conclusion of my blog, I discuss what to expect from High-Resolution listening. I have added advice and pointed out that audio beauty is in the ear of the beholder. I wish that the smart-ar** out there who are clearly more interested in arguing science rather than listening to music would pipe down rather than place doubt into the minds of those wishing to experience a new and wonderful listening experience.
For me, many Hi-Res recordings make for fantastic listening. Of course, there are companies out there wishing to hang their hats on a new technology that they have no idea how to utilise. Those who spend their time exploring the loopholes to exploit adopters of new technologies.
It is OK to buy into Hi-Res because you can hear a difference. The opposite is also OK.
Take care out there!