Old Artists Never Die - They just prevent others from entering the market!
OK, this may be a little contentious, but when I see artists announcing a farewell tour, it fills me with a cynicism equivalent to their motives. I will not mention names, but many artists "doing the rounds" were once great but now struggle to get their trousers on in the morning.
When I see this and hear the associated media hype, I can't help but tut and roll my eyes. Several years ago, Led Zepplin reformed to do a one-off gig for their fans. Lead singer, Robert Plant, has always been extremely forthright in his views about this kind of thing and states that if an artist only has the past to lean on, then it is time to let new artists take the stage. He has never stopped making music; it is always interesting, and stands up independently without leaning on past glories.
However, most of these crumbling pillars of the industry release similar-sounding material and then charge a small fortune for an audience having equal difficulty getting dressed in the morning, plus over-blown celebrities and general glitterati to go and see them. Very few original fans can afford tickets even if they could get them.
One particular artist who has recently finished a highly lucrative stint in Vegas is about to embark on a farewell tour. They explain that they are doing this to allow their audience to see them one last time. It may be an unpopular view, but why not do these gigs to an invited audience of fans and let them in for nothing? The ticket prices are typically astronomical, and the artist in question (who can't possibly need the money) has done nothing different or exciting in the past 40 years! - Move over, rover, let someone else take over!
Rant over!
Take care and see you next month!